The Big Aristotle: Shaquille O’Neal #34 Lakers Jersey Retirement Ceremony

(*T*M*C)I CAN DIG IT! I CAN DIG IT! I’d like to congratulate Shaquille O’Neal for a tremendous career on and off the court. Truly one of the all-time greats at the Center position. I do wish all the championships Mr O’Neal have won came down to his free throw shooting. It would have been absolutely hilarious watching Laker fans jump into the Pacific. KAZAAM! I never watched that film. Was there ever a sequel? Honorable mention to Phil Jackson who’s the baddest coach on the planet. Are you as impressed as I am on how Mr Jackson has positioned himself to be the next Emperor? He’s been beating up the pockets of the Buss family in many ways for quite sometime. Thanking Jack Nicholson for giving the code red on NBA officials is brilliant. Acknowledging Mr Cliff Notes for being a tremendous study partner, priceless. His favorite “shalomian” brother, Jimmy “Tight Pants” Goldstein, pure comedy. Now I must express my favorite part of the ceremony. My absolute favorite part of this retirement ceremony is Mr O’Neal not thanking Shaunie for a damn thing!!! HA! HA! I HAVE DUG IT! I HAVE DUG IT!(*T*M*C)

The Healing Power Of Laughter