Has Hip Hop Lost Its Soul?

(*T*M*C)Welcome to the back pages where the Merciless One dwells, the Land Of the Lost. Each week things cross my mind that I might want to expand upon. It is here you can enjoy a question of expression. This week’s topic, “Has Hip Hop Lost Its Soul?” Hip Hop/Rap is the home of the modern poets who shape our culture today. We have a voice like Shakespeare and a responsibility to provide guidance, a path in between the lines within the margin. If we can take this approach, we can prove the pen is truly mightier than the sword. If we continue to follow the path of materialism, Hip Hop as it was intially created, may disappear. Hip Hop would them be erased and replaced by pre-packaged artists who won’t contribute to its growth.

Has Hip Hop lost its soul? The question posed is a dire one. By researching and analyzing it current state, the answer would be, “YES!!” We may have gained huge bank accounts and larger homes but the cutting-edge style that gave life to this genre is almost ancient history. In the quest to find prosperity, we have forsaked the qualities that all Black Music has had since the beginning of time. Where is the Rhythm? Where is the Blues? Where is the Soul? These unique experiences allow us to express ourselves like no other in the area of music. With Hip Hop/Rap, predominately Black and Latino teenagers have established an indentifiable, discursive arena. A forum where ideas, concerns and the expression of power exude nihilism and optimism. Hip Hop has produced a generation that can be heard in multiple, articulative modes. Why waste a privilege that has been given to us for empowerment? Hip Hop/Rap helps the youth understand that there’s more to the music. Hip Hop expresses to them that at times intregrity is lost. Just don’t make a song, make a difference!(*T*M*C)

The Merciless One

2 thoughts on “Has Hip Hop Lost Its Soul?

  1. Pingback: Hip Hop Lives On!!!…Know And Learn Your History!! | MalikaLovedotcom

  2. Pingback: In The AM (Instrumental) | right beat radio

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